Rosie SchWeger is the best of both worlds with a balance of high tech and low tech. She's a Class B that is self-contained and easy to drive. She is short enough to park if you prefer exploring the city. Her height is just under 10' with plenty of headroom inside for folks who are as tall as 6'4"! There are 2 extra seatbelts and floor mounts in the back to tether your pets in while going down the road as well. Lots of storage throughout and a micro-bathroom at the back! She has solar, but we have found it to be less reliable with the smoke from Canada this summer and do suggest you plug in whenever possible.
Most of the lower storage is dedicated to logistical items (water hose, black hose, electrical cord, and collapsible chairs/tables). The other side houses the lithium batteries above deck for better performance! Please know in advance the solar is not 100% reliable and sometimes you need to hit the reset buttons several times to get them to engage. Also, and admittedly disappointing, they really don't work in harsher weather below 40 degrees F because the jumpstarter battery is AGM (read that old technology susceptible to the weather). We do have a workaround and can show you during the walk around if the weather is going to be cold during your reservation.