She may not be the newest out there but she was a beauty in her younger years and has carried that beauty with her throughout the years. When your not outside on an adventure, head inside and cozy up on the couch with favorite movie or crack open a game at the dining table. When the sun is out and your looking for shade, roll down the Awning and cool your self off. Enjoy a good night sleep on a comfy full size mattress in a private bedroom with your own door to the outside. With the traditional dining table to bed conversion and couch to bed conversion along with plenty of floor space for a couple cots, pads or just sleeping bags, you and the kiddos will have no problem finding a comfortable place to catch some Z’s. We’ve also provided a 4 man tent for those who enjoy sleeping under the stars. Your time in the outdoors with your loved ones is invaluable and add memories for a lifetime. Rent this camper that truly lives up to its name for all of your camping adventures this season. Enjoy!!!