Looking to step up your adventure? Lightweight and easy to tow, the TAG takes your camping experiences to a whole new level. You’ll be able to enjoy the natural scenery as you prepare your meals in the well-equipped rear galley. Come nightfall, you’ll climb into a warm and cozy interior – flush with large windows for stargazing before drifting off into a comfortable slumber. No matter where you go, the TAG teardrop trailer is ready for adventure.
Our 2021 T@G XL Boondock has a king size bed on the Froli support system for extra comfort. The camper is very easy to pull and can be used at a campground or off the grid in the middle of nowhere. The air conditioning, heater and microwave only work when hooked to shore power. The lights, fan and radio work off battery power. Roof rack can be used to carry your canoe or kayak on your next adventure.