Cyril the Talbot is your luxury campervan. He has all the comforts of a motorhome but he drives like a car, fits into carparks and is economical . He has too many features to list but is more cosy that the average home and drives better than most cars! We have had many adventures in Cyril and look forward to helping you create yours. Cyril has a bathroom with a compact hot water shower, hand basin and toilet. The kitchen has a 2 burner hob, grill, fridge with icebox and basin with hot and cold water. The cabin has 2 large, comfortable sofas that convert into 2 single beds or a large double big enough for 2 tall people and a small child. You can even stand in Cyril. He comes with full cuttlery and cooking utensils and linen and towels if required. Applicances are operated by 12v, gas or mains hookup allowing a full off grid holiday. Gas central heating will keep you toasty warm while the many windows provide plenty of natural light and cool airflow in the summer months. Privacy and blackout blinds along with super comfortable beds will make sure you have a great night's sleep . Cyril has a 2.0 litre petrol engine and is a manual, purpose built campervan (not converted). He has air suspension and is a dream to drive. He has 3 belted seats. Everything is orginal and was factory installed. Great budget camper, just jump in and drive :)
Fuel Tank 70 litres
Freshwater Tank 54.8 litres
Greywater Tank 36.4 litres
Toilet 10 litres
Appliances gas 12v and mains hookup
*We wipe all surfaces down with antibacterial spray, keep windows open between guests and use a fogger for quick changeovers
Full Comprehensive insurance is included, provided by Alan Boswell (NOT through Outdoorsy)